Camera FOV & Distance
We have always supported field of view (FOV) settings in the game. However, we have noticed that some players use the FOV setting to adjust the perceived distance between the camera and the player character, rather than just a way to adjust the perspective projection. This is not what the FOV setting is intended for and can result in distortions, a fish eye effect, and difficulty seeing distant objects in the game.
In order to address this, we have added a camera distance setting that allows players to adjust the distance between the camera and the player character. This will allow players to adjust the FOV and the amount of the character they see separately, without experiencing these unintended side effects.

Left: 150% FOV setting at default camera distance. Notice how the red mines are stretched and no longer round in the upper right corner, due to a fish eye artifact from high FOV. | Middle: 105% FOV setting at 200% distance. Notice how the projection is a lot better now. The mines are a lot rounder, and you can even see it on the platform and the character too. Also notice how much clearer you can see distant objects/details. | Right: 150% FOV at 200% distance. This is just to a more extreme. We can see more of the sides now, but notice that the distortions are back due to the high FOV setting. |
The camera distance can be set to very extreme values, including as close as 0% distance, which can make the game feel a bit more like an FPS. However, it is important to note that this is not actually an FPS mode and no work has been done to make this an actually good play experience. It’s not actually recommended for play. It’s just there as an extreme, and because we found it fun to test for a few minutes and thought you might too 😀
This feels bad to play, but it really looks like an FPS at times. We are even lucky enough to get the weapon in the lower part of the screen.
It is also worth noting that placing the camera very far away from the character can have issues too. As large sudden changes in the camera distance, may feel uncomfortable and cause issues with walls/obstacles behind the character.
We actually don’t recommend you to diverge too much from the original 100% value, but nonetheless we hope this update allows players to to better achieve their preferred play experience!
Thanks for reading!
Next time, we will finally cover the largest single feature in the update. Stay tuned for that!🙂