Studio Shutdown

Hi everyone,

There is no easy way to say this, and some of you might have seen a few hints of this already, but Coilworks are sadly in an economically difficult situation. We've tried our best for the past months to resolve this, talking to investors and publishers and so on, but we’ve sadly run out of time. We stayed hopeful and held out as long as we could, as there clearly were a lot of interest in the game, but we can’t hold out any longer and are forced to shut down all active development, and close our office.

We’re sorry it turned out this way. We know there are a lot of players looking forward to Sky Tracers, and we wish we could to deliver on it, but at least we still hope to be able to run a test session for everyone interested some time early february. Though as we are shutting down, what happens after that test we can’t know right now.

There is a lot to take in and consider here, but we hope and will do our best to be able to at least keep the company around in an idle state, making sure that Cloudbuilt and Super Cloudbuilt will be able to stick around.

There is no denying that this will mark the end of a chapter in CWs history. We've always had an active core team of full time developers for the past 8 years, but that will sadly come to change. As we will all have to look for new jobs in new places, it’s impossible for us to promise much about the future. There might be a small chance that some of us will be able to continue doing some minor Coilworks stuff on the side. So, don’t hold your breath, but there is still a small chance that Sky Tracers will be playable in some form in the future. That’s our hope at least.

We’ve tried to answer as much as possible of the important questions here. But, we plan to hold a kind of “Coilworks Shutdown Stream”, or something, today, Saturday, 23:00 CET, where we will sit down for a while, play a little Cloudbuilt and talk. Hope you will be able to stop by.

Thanks for your support and understanding,

The Coilworks team

Gafgar Davallius3 Comments